PERSONAL LIST 2021 [hire]

# Name JOB seeking / handle valid e-mail PHONE 24/7
1 John Kraus General Manager 310-Mr.INTERNET
2 Vally von German President  
  Teri Rotter  
    Professional Waitress [food, drinks, soups] need 20  
    Waitress with the heart of gold, nice sweet need 20  
    Just like to be a waitress for a season, happy, relaxed need 10  
    look for any job need 30  
    German/English speaking waitress, listen and respect work! need 20  
    BUS-BOYS, $10/hr and tip need 20  
    temporally help, waitress, bus-boy job, cleaning, everything need 10  
    special 'Mexican' helper, Spanish/English speaking, fast, loyal need 10  
    cooking help, line-cook, servers, chicken cook! Wings/legs need 5  
    Bar-tender servers for beer, stress proofed, non-alcoholics need 10  
    Painter, landscape, gardener, roofer, mechanics, need 5  
  Maury IT - technicians [ 3 Projector set-up and running ] TV, Internet need 3  
    Facebook geeks, Twitter geeks, Newspaper, advertising, TV need 4  
    YouTube LIVE streaming, recorded, HERE AV Chicken Fliegen    
    Light specialist, electrician, need 2  
    Roof-Watcher with zoom recording cameras need 2  
    Plumber, water, gas, oil, waste, need 2  
  Torrance/Gardena Fire-department, sanitation, emergency, help, Police, min 2 911

All employee must follow the rules of Alpine Village [and the restaurant habits].
i.e. never be late [fired on the spot]. NO smoking on property. NO drinking at work. NO drugs, any kind! Emergency call "on-call". Show off clean and proper dressed. Good shoes.
You will need a PayPal account [every Monday is payday! Need Photo ID. Need min $20 in cash in the pocket. Be be nice, we have 50 recording security cam in the festival area. You on camera all the time. Must have a cell-phone with a browser [internet] - log-in to our APP: AV [download here]
We'll give you 2 Dirndl [German custom, see below], Man get a Black Jacket and color tie!
Waitress get paid $10/hr first working day! $11/hr second working day. Third day $12/hr, fourth day $13/hr, fifteen day $14, sixth and all following days $15/hr., and on-top you get 10% must-tip from each sale [customer have to pay]. All YOUR cash-tip is yours [but - maybe you have to pay TAX on !
Also YOU have to be 1 hour early to work (paid $10/hr) and 1 hour after for helping cleaning the mess for next day (paid $10/hr). The proof of your time is OUR time clock on the employee door! 'exit' NE
Long-finger will be not only fired, also we'll call the police on the spot! NO refund ! Banned from AV.
Please read twice the "rules" - you have to sign a contract with us and agree!
NOT any lawsuit for any stupid reason is allowed, any settlement will be not excide $100 [warning].
NOW important info for all seeking employee:
You have to be nice, sweet, normal, trustful, loyal, correct, straight forward, logic, brave, kind etc.
We do accept all applications when you have it ! To be a waitress in a restaurant/bar business.
Sorry only 21 and older, max age is 100. You must be strong n/quick on your feet. It is very hard BIZ.
Please do only SIGN-UP for a job, if you understand 'our position' in the community and people . . .
We looking forward to meet you on Sat April 10th + Sun 11th around 10am to 5pm daily.
Bring pic w/your Oktoberfest custom, DL or ID or PP and your working phone, show $20, Happiness.
We will take a portrait-shot for your application, give you a user name and password, and webpage!
You will be invited to the Sunday school for your job! You need nothing, we provide you with all. 


This are the Dirndl choices - YOU MUST FIT in a 6-8 size! [ we have only 2 sizes - sorry - expensive ]
YES, YOU can keep it after the event. You will get 2 Dirndl's for the 18 days work!
For temporary workers, you have to give it back daily, after work. We have a dry-cleaner!


My $ Wishes: